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I am an Omnioutliner neophyte and want to know the following. Can I set up several individual columns in a single Outliner document that will remain independent from one another. I have a series of lists and I would like to be able to open one document and have each list in a column that I could expand, collapse and add (hopefully this is right?) child and grandchildren to. I would like to be able to edit, collapse one list (or one column) without affecting the lists to either side. Is this possible...or must it be done in rows. Hope my question is clear. Thanks in advance! Sean
OmniOutliner has a feature called hoisting that could possibly do what you want. Am I correct in understanding that you only need to see one of the lists at a time, and that there is no relationship between the rows in different lists?

The View->Hoist command takes whatever row you have selected (plus the descendants), and displays it as if it is the entire outline. Each list would be a top-level row in your document, and you would select the one you want to view, hoist it, and unhoist when finished.
Thanks whpalmer4! That basically does the trick by allowing me to "spotlight" what I'm working on without a lot of distracting info. Still interested to know if you can do what I posed in my original question if anyone knows. In the meantime I'll set up as whpalmer4 suggests.
If you do it with multiple columns, your rows will extend all the way across the columns, like a spreadsheet, and the only way you'll be able to hide a column would be to delete it or make it very narrow. Also, only the "topic" column works in outline style.

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