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Excel export and Excel 12 on Mac? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

has anyone successfully exported from OO and imported to Excel 2008 for Mac (12.1.0) through the Excel export plugin?

The XML file that is produced looks good, but its different from what Excel puts in xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml or xl/workbook.xml when I save as xlsx and unzip the file.

Also, I have not found any way to import this in Excel. I have tried
- Opening the XML file from Excel
- Renaming to xlsx and opening in Excel
- Renaming to xlsx and double clicking
But to no avail.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance,
I have the same problem.

I tried then to export my outline as CSV to see if that would work but Omnioutliner refused to export as CSV at all.

I'd be interested in any solutions.


Hmm are you running 10.6? It looks like the Excel xml exporter doesn't work under 10.6. Not sure why though, it's not the same issue we had with other exporters.
Yes, 10.6
So, any plans to fix this so that it works in 10.6?
It's quite possible the root cause of this is the same as we have with the other exports which we're hoping to get help from Apple with. Long term plan is to have a xlsx exporter as it replaced the xml format being used by this exporter. But trying to fix this is on my list to do.
The Excel exporter should now work on 10.6, sorry it took so long.

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