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How to turn off those numbers? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Anyone know how I can turn off those darn red numbers in the sidebar? They're distracting and don't add anything useful for me.

I don't see a preference, and I'm not sure one is forthcoming.
Originally Posted by jasong View Post
Anyone know how I can turn off those darn red numbers in the sidebar? They're distracting and don't add anything useful for me.

I don't see a preference, and I'm not sure one is forthcoming.
Yeah, numbers were a bit of a shock! It certainly made me knuckle down and get some of them done though - nothing like having a big red number there to really make you work.

I can see myself using the numbers, but it would be nice to turn them off, what would be even better would be the ability to have them on/off in particular perspectives like filter settings.

Good work on the styles though - I like them :)

Edit: The global preference for 'soon' is somewhat annoying - simply because 'soon' can vary depending on the task/project and is not global. It would be better to set the 'soon-ness' of a project the way we set the review period.

Last edited by cyleigh; 2007-11-08 at 08:11 PM..
Styles is an interesting idea, and the numbers in the sidebar can be of use. But. As someone who is increasingly frustrated by the tendency towards form over function, with the OF greying of actions that have not been allocated a Context or Due date, I now cannot see them without putting my face up against the monitor. By all means put next actions or whatever in red, but do not discriminate against those of us whose eyes are failing, and who have difficulty seeing grey or "beige" type on the screen.

By the way, I already change the OF font size in Notes, (to 12 point) just so I can read them more easily. I look forward to being able to change the Action items font sizes also.
Originally Posted by wgn View Post
I look forward to being able to change the Action items font sizes also.
?? Can't you already do this - for example via the Fonts panel (Cmd-T) or just boosting the size with Cmd-+?
Red numbers are the equivalent of DANGER: ROCKS FALLING AHEAD signs when you're driving. If you have overdue tasks, we want them to really stand out and hit you over the head. Like a rock, sort of. Hmm. I'm mixing my metaphors I think.

Anyhow, they are *highly* visible intentionally. I'd recommend triaging those projects. If they aren't really overdue, then it's time to fix their dates. If they are overdue but not really "in play" anymore, just set their status to "dropped". If they are none of the above... then they are really top, critical items (anything that has a hard landscape date associated with it is so) and should be addressed before anything else.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that once you've triaged like that, you'll find many of those red items will be gone, your projects will be in better state, and you'll have better focus on your work.

I'm guessing you don't want us to add the giant flashing light and klaxon? ;-)
Originally Posted by Ethan Schoonover View Post
Red numbers are the equivalent of DANGER: ROCKS FALLING AHEAD signs when you're driving. If you have overdue tasks, we want them to really stand out and hit you over the head. Like a rock, sort of. Hmm. I'm mixing my metaphors I think.

Anyhow, they are *highly* visible intentionally. I'd recommend triaging those projects. If they aren't really overdue, then it's time to fix their dates. If they are overdue but not really "in play" anymore, just set their status to "dropped". If they are none of the above... then they are really top, critical items (anything that has a hard landscape date associated with it is so) and should be addressed before anything else.

I'll bet dollars to donuts that once you've triaged like that, you'll find many of those red items will be gone, your projects will be in better state, and you'll have better focus on your work.

I'm guessing you don't want us to add the giant flashing light and klaxon? ;-)
I see your point Ethan, as I said, I got a lot of little things done today that were 'overdue', I would keep the numbers if there was a preference.

However, I don't like the way they are displayed/counted; I think that they should only be displayed next to the project that the overdue items are in - and not all the parent folders as well. Eg/ I have a folder called 'Home', in it is a folder called 'Life Control' which has a project 'Change voting address'. This project has an overdue due date, so its three actions are overdue. Thus, because I have one overdue action I have three big marks saying that I have 3 things being overdue - at a quick glance I can't tell from the interface that it is the 'voting' project that is overdue; because of the nature of the list I first look at home, then 'life control' and then find which project is overdue.

Oh, and it would be great to be able to only repeat items on 'work' days - at the moment I have some daily repeating tasks that I get to just click off for the weekend but from now on they are going to Scream at me through great big numbers.
Originally Posted by Ethan Schoonover View Post
Red numbers are the equivalent of DANGER: ROCKS FALLING AHEAD signs when you're driving. If you have overdue tasks, we want them to really stand out and hit you over the head. Like a rock, sort of. Hmm. I'm mixing my metaphors I think.
I like the numbers. The red was startling at first, and it clashes with the purple used for next actions, but it great information to have at a glance.

I wonder if the colors for the numbers will be user-definable. I suppose I could change the color for next actions instead. Hmmm...
Those numbers help me big time as one of my stuggles with OF was the right visability into what needed to be done NOW and perspectives were not cutting it.

Just downloaded the latest build and saw the numbers! Love them. A very helpful way of bringing my deadlines into SHARP focus. Please keep this feature, even if you have to make it as a preference for some.

I don't know if this is canonical GTD, but it certainly is very helpful.
Now, if you could just block the launching of browsers and games until we clear the red items, we'd be in great shape...

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