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Red numbers inconsistent? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm not sure I fully understand the red numbers. I assumed they tallied up the number of actions in a project whose due date was either today, "soon", or in the past. But I have one project containing an action dated 11/7, and there's no red number at all. Am I misunderstanding the semantics?
If the action completed, in a non-active project, or its project is in a non-active folder, the overdue date won't get counted (as designed). Does this describe the case you are seeing?

Does editing the task update the counter?

If you find a way to get an incorrect counter in the sidebar, please do let us know how to replicate it and we'll fix it up. Thanks!
CTO, The Omni Group
Originally Posted by Tim Wood View Post
If the action completed, in a non-active project, or its project is in a non-active folder, the overdue date won't get counted (as designed). Does this describe the case you are seeing?

Does editing the task update the counter?

If you find a way to get an incorrect counter in the sidebar, please do let us know how to replicate it and we'll fix it up. Thanks!
Seems that the action is incomplete, the project is active, and the containing folder is active. I edited the action so that its date is 11/6, but it still comes out purple rather than red, and the folder shows no red counter.

My library is structured this way:

Folder One (no red counters - includes the task in question)
Folder Two (red counters)
Folder Three (red counters)

I could send a screenshot if you think it'd help.
Sure anything might help track this down; or if you can trim down a copy of your document and send it to support, that'd help too (though doing a rebuild might also make it regain sanity).
CTO, The Omni Group

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