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Due date column disappearing Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I've been using Omnifocus for a couple of months now, and in the recent builds I've been experiencing the following problem:

Every now and then, the 'Due Date' column, dissapears and I have to add it again from the view menu, I cannot reproduce exactly when this happens, but it's happening every single day, and it's a bit annoying.

Has anyone else had this issue?
As far as I can tell, column settings are now saved with perspectives, so your columns will look like however they were set up the last time you saved the last perspective you selected - I think...
Yeah, but I'm not in any particular perspective, as a matter of fact, I'm not a big user of perspective either
I have the same exact problem.
I also have that problem and also find it annoying
I suspect that the recent change (which columns are in view assigned to perspectives) resulted in a "default" widow being opened without the start and due dates. This is the window you first saw after installing the build.

Try this - add the columns you want (in both modes), then quit OF without closing the window. Then open OF - are the columns still there?
Thanks pvonk,

I have now added the due column to all perspectives and the columns are still there.

The problem happened without any perspective switch anyway, so I will keep you guys posted throughout the day if it happens again.

Originally Posted by pvonk View Post
I suspect that the recent change (which columns are in view assigned to perspectives) resulted in a "default" widow being opened without the start and due dates. This is the window you first saw after installing the build.

Try this - add the columns you want (in both modes), then quit OF without closing the window. Then open OF - are the columns still there?
I think the bug kicks-in if you actually use a perspective. I tried what you suggested and worked fine. But right after I change from a perspective, I loose the 'due date' column again. I think it's a bug...
I am having the same problem ... and the viewing due date columns for all perspectives and then restarting does not work for me.

I hope this gets fixed soon.
Originally Posted by bksnbriefs View Post
I am having the same problem ... and the viewing due date columns for all perspectives and then restarting does not work for me.

I hope this gets fixed soon.
You have to turn on the due date columns in the perspective and then use the camera button in the perspectives window to save the change being very careful to select the correct perspective in the window lest you overwrite a different (says the voice of experience).


Last edited by curt.clifton; 2007-12-13 at 04:01 AM.. Reason: missing highlighting

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