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Waiting context vs waiting project status? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I need some clarification. I'm confused about the "waiting context" vs the "waiting status" for a project.

If I create a project and give it the status "waiting" and then create some actions inside the project and give them the context "waiting", they don't show up in the context view under "waiting".

But, if I have an active project and give an action inside it the context of "waiting" it does show up.

What's the deal yo?

Perhaps a good question to ask would be "what's the best way to capture the concept of "someday" vis-a-vis GTD."
If you bring context view up and then hover over
View -> Status Filter
which option is active? It almost sounds like the Available setting has been chosen. If that's not the case, let us know and we can keep investigating.

Personally, for my someday actions, I just add them to OmniFocus with no start or due date attached. Actions just sit there available-but-not-urgent until I do them, or decide I'm not going to do 'em.

Admittedly, I don't have too many of those actions - I'm sure my system wouldn't scale up well at all if I had more actions in that category.
The "Remaining" view is selected.

If I have a project that is "waiting" and an action that is "waiting" within the project, I would think that it would show up in the Context view "waiting".

Sidebar filter = "all contexts"
status filter = "remaining"
D'oh, I failed to notice that both the project and the context that the action was assigned to was on hold. Since the project is on hold, actions from that project aren't going to show up in context view regardless of what context they're in. An on-hold project is basically in deep-freeze.

You haven't dropped it entirely, but you're really not planning on working on it any time soon.

If you make the project active again, the action will show up in context view as you're expecting.

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