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Create Projects from inbox Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

Is there a way to tweak the MailAction applescript so as to give omnifocus these instructions:

1 - create a new group inside project "Work" with group name = email subject
2 - create 3 new actions inside the group created in step 1
3 - set a different due date for each task created in step 2

As part of my work clients send job requests to me via email. Each request is formatted in the same fashion and includes all the info I need to create the above several step project. However, I cannot reformat the incoming job request emails to use "--" or other Omni-recognized symbols.

Any help is appreciated.


You might try posting to this thread on the OmniFocus Extras forum. You're somewhat more likely to catch the eye of members of the OF Applescripting community there.



Thanks, Curt. Will do.

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