Anyone else getting an error when they run the applescript version? Happens both when I run it on a specific folder and when I run it on all filterd data. I'm running Snow Leopard 10.6.8. Here is the error I'm getting. Wondering if maybe my database is corrupted or something.
EDIT: Also I was trying to export as OPML
error "SystemUIServer got an error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File \"/Users/REDACTED/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus/OF2MindMap-022/OF2MindMap-022.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 945, in <module>
File \"/Users/REDACTED/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus/OF2MindMap-022/OF2MindMap-022.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 104, in main
lst_tree = build_tree(options.root)
File \"/Users/REDACTED/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus/OF2MindMap-022/OF2MindMap-022.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 270, in build_tree
(var_root_parent, flat_of) = get_flat_omnifocus(var_root)
File \"/Users/REDACTED/Library/Scripts/Applications/Omnifocus/OF2MindMap-022/OF2MindMap-022.scptd/Contents/Resources/\", line 783, in get_flat_omnifocus
WHERE (containsSingletonActions = 1) and ', str_clauses]), tpl)
sqlite3.OperationalError: near \"?\": syntax error" number 1