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Script: Filtered export to iThoughtsHD & OPML (& .txt) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Originally Posted by splitloop View Post
yeah, thats what I'm using. So is there a program for Mac where start and due dates would work?
Does anyone here use mac for mindmapping from OF?
You could try opening it up in Freeplane. It's free and runs on the mac. It's not the prettiest to look at, but it seems pretty powerful.

I can't test it because the conversion script doesn't work on 10.6.8, which is what my computer runs.


This is a fantastic script and I appreciate how much work has gone into this. I've got it working beautifully from the terminal prompt as I'm going to do the 'Hazel thing' and make it happen automatically in the background.

There are just two little wrinkles.

1. The start dates I get in iThought are 10 hours behind what I see in OmniF. Now I'm in Australia and 10hours ahead of GMT, which might be relevant. My test task has a start date of 1 June 2013, 11pm, and the entry in the ITM file says
start="010613 130000"

When I load this into iThought it says, unsurprisingly, 1 June 2013 1pm.
So its out by 10 hours.

As Omnifocus defaults all startdates to midnight, effectively every date I see in the MindMap is one day earlier than it really is.

2. The code seems to be hardwired to only look at ACTIVE tasks. No matter what I do with the SQL input parameters, projects on HOLD get ignored. I've looked at the Python code but couldn't see an easy way to fix this. Am I missing something?

My work around here is to take projects off HOLD before running the script, but then I'm less likely to use the HOLD feature which is a really useful way of simplifying what I look at in OMNIF.

(Ideally, I'd love the ON HOLD projects to land in MindMap with a different colour....).

Despite these wrinkles its still a great script.

Originally Posted by Kazza View Post
The start dates I get in iThought are 10 hours behind what I see in OmniF.
Probably worth experimenting with ofoc_year_zero in line 728 - particularly the value and handling of int_zone - there must be a simple oversight in the logic – let me know if you spot it.

Originally Posted by Kazza View Post
2. The code seems to be hardwired to only look at ACTIVE tasks.
You should be able to make some adjustments around lines 147-162 and their interconnections. (# DEFAULT DATA TO EXPORT)
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
Probably worth experimenting with ofoc_year_zero in line 728 - particularly the value and handling of int_zone - there must be a simple oversight in the logic – let me know if you spot it.

You should be able to make some adjustments around lines 147-162 and their interconnections. (# DEFAULT DATA TO EXPORT)

I've found a solution, though it feels like a hack. Here's my reasoning: the code
in lines 728-732 for ofoc_year_zero() are actually correct. The error is when you use it, for instance 680-683

if (int_start is not None):
            str_line = ''.join([str_line, 'start=\"', \
            time.strftime('%d%m%y %H%M%S', \
                time.gmtime(year_zero + int_start)), '\" '])
I think you should be adding int_zone there to the start date , int_start. But that would be a messy change as it would have to be done in several places.

So my solution is to change 732 to add in the time-zone twice, so it changes from
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime("1 Jan 01", "%d %b %y")) + int_zone)
return int(time.mktime(time.strptime("1 Jan 01", "%d %b %y")) + (2*int_zone))

If I am right I suppose it would be good to rename year_zero to something like year_zero_with_extra_timeChange so there's no confusion.

I'm a bit cautious with all this as there's quite a bit of the code that I really don't understand, and it involves variable year_zero. But I can say that this simple change seems to solve my problem and hasn't created any others, at least not that I've found with my test-cases.

I'll work on getting the non-active tasks on another day.

Thanks for this great script Rob.

Is there any way that this can be extended to add any changes / additions in iThoughts to be added to OF?

EDIT: Also is there any way to remove the focus node so it goes straight to the folders?



Last edited by nickwild; 2013-04-05 at 03:40 AM..
Great all sorted - a silly typo.

Thanks for this
Is it possible for you to make ipad app for this script?
I think many people would by it for $10 for example.
Interesting question - not something that I'm likely to do myself, and I don't have a very clear picture of whether the iOS security model (or the iOS implementation of OmniFocus) would allow the same kind of access to the OF cache, but you could try asking the iThoughtsHD developer whether he has considered an import channel from iOS OF.

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