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how to print out a simple list of projects Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
during my reviews, I sometimes find it easier to review or refer to a straight list of projects.

this is also useful when you're on the go without any gadgetry.

has someone figured out how to print one's project list?

When I go to print, it only prints the right-hand pane.

This would be synonomous with anyone who has implemented GTD in Outlook - you just print out all the tasks with the category "Project"
Click on the right pane, then select Collapse All (keyboard shortcut Control-Command-0) to collapse all the items so you just see your list of projects. Print that list.

Alternatively, select Page Setup from the File menu (keyboard shortcut Shift-Command-P) and switch to the OmniFocus settings, where you'll find options to Collapse All, Leave As Displayed (the default), or Expand All. Select Collapse All, accept the new settings by pressing OK, then Print.

Hope this helps!
ok - the Page Setup route worked great - thanks.

my concern is forgetting about the change in page setup as this is more the exception opposed to the norm. I hope this is more user friendly in a future release.

I also under the assumption that if I "collapse all" - I can't revert it back to its previous state (ie. some collapsed, some aren't) this is useful meta-data I do not wish to be lost in the process.

that said, we're good on this front for now!
Chinarut, this blog post might come in handy:

OmniFocus HowTo: Printing an 'on the go' task list

It describes how to get those settings saved to a perspective, so you can access it all at once. (Page Setup choices are among the settings that a perspective hangs onto for you.)
Originally Posted by chinarut View Post
I also under the assumption that if I "collapse all" - I can't revert it back to its previous state (ie. some collapsed, some aren't) this is useful meta-data I do not wish to be lost in the process.
In that case, open a new window and "collapse all" within that window. Close it after you print, and you still have your original state in the first window.
before I comment - want to thank everyone for inspiring me to get back on the GTD bandwagon and completing my first weekly review in ages!

both tips worked great - I opened a new window to tweak my screen fearlessly and used the tips in the blog post to take a snapshot of it all.

hope the next newbie finds this thread useful :)

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