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Dashboard Widget to create OmniFocus inbox items Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I got tired of the fact that the quick entry window won't come up if you don't have some text selected. I frequently think of something I want to be an OmniFocus item but am not in OmniFocus. So I created a dashboard widget to let you create inbox items.

You can read about it in my blog entry (which includes a link to download the widget).
What do you mean that Quick Entry won't come up if you don't have some text selected? If you look in the preferences there is a space to assign a shortcut to the QE window, and this always comes up for me - you don't have to have anything selected?
I had forgotten about the separate keyboard shortcut for just bringing up the Quick Entry window. Oh well. At least I learned how to write a Dashboard widget! :)

Maybe someone will still find it useful...
Cool. I just wondered if you knew that QE could work like that; probably somebody will like a widget as well :)
I like both the QuickEntry and the widget. :-)

I created a widget to bring up the dashboard and help focus me on completing tasks. Sometimes, when the widget is showing the dashboard, I'll have some items to enter into OmniFocus.

Brian's widget helps me to accomplish this. It's small, and quick.

Nice job on the widget! Thank you for getting it out.

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