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Feature Request: shopping list property to make checked items permanentely Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'd like to have a property to a context that prevents checked items to go away. This ought to work on the iPhone as I often want to add items to my grocery list when I do not have my MacBook available.

I learned that I can use a perspective but this approach has a few downsides. First I cannot use a perspective on the iPhone and 2nd when using the clear button it will make the items disappear that are checked.

What I really would like to have is either a project or a context where I can determine that checked items never disappear. That would allow to maintain a list of grocery items and I can uncheck them on my iPhone when I decide I need to buy it.

Unchecked items ought to go to the top of the list automatically.

Any takers?

Kindest regards,

Andreas :)
Personally... I use an iPhone app called SplashShopper. You may want to look into it for grocery items.

The main benefit of SplashShopper is the ability to sort by Aisle. This allow you to sort items by aisle and then make one pass through the grocery store.

Other benefits are...
all grocery items are always available, you mark ones you need and then filter to show only needed items.

You can track multiple store locations. This is helpful for items in different stores on different aisles.

You can also track store prices if you want to go to that level.

I'm not sure grocery items fit into the scope of OF.
Originally Posted by SpiralOcean View Post
I'm not sure grocery items fit into the scope of OF.
Geez, I wish you had told me that hundreds of completed grocery actions ago :)
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Geez, I wish you had told me that hundreds of completed grocery actions ago :)
I'm using Splash Shopper too. I've found that it's not so much that it doesn't fit into the scope of it, but if I keep purchases to be made (in general...not just groceries) in the same spot as my other tasks to be done, I tend to run out to the store more often than I should or need to just to 'check things off my list'. I know, I know...context...focus...all that is all well and good, but I'd usually rather shop than do X, Y or Z.

I'm happier with the way that my OF works and looks this way. And I get the added benefit of that program being specifically built for that (and not having to wade through the 40-something page thread here ;) ) Obviously, shopping tasks, grocery and otherwise, work just fine in OF for many.

If there's an action in a project that is to get's in OF. Anything that would get dumped into a single action list isn't.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Geez, I wish you had told me that hundreds of completed grocery actions ago :)

I've tried using checklists like OF for grocery shopping, but the main reason I go to SplashShopper is for being able to sort by aisles. It allows you to whip through a grocery store instead of wondering the aisles.

I don't see OF adding a sorting function for Aisles, and so in my opinion, I use the splashShopper as a grocery context. In OF I have a task called grocery shopping that keeps me on task with grocery shopping.

I do use one of the grocery apps. That works well.

But I hate to have different apps in that case. As OF already became a central point where I hack all my todos in. I do not want to make a decision to open a different app if I want to add something that I need to buy.

I hope OF on the iPhone will become sufficient for my grocery list as well.

But thanks for your suggestion anyway.

Kindest regards,

There is a long thread here in the main OF forum which discusses grocery lists in a general OmniFocus approach. The third post by Lightstorm is basically what I use.

Yes, I know. And I posted there too. Still I would like to have a way to have a "show all" property for my grocery list only.

Thanks anyway.

Kindest regards,

Are you still using SplashShopper on your iPhone?

Are you having problems with performance?

Is your list a big list?

I switched from Palm to iPhone version, got so fed up with stuff running so slowly that I'm back using my Palm for SplashShopper and that's all.
Try out Zenbelists. It does this and you can share the list with other people. My wife and I use it as our errand app. Works great.

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