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I'm looking to create a visual display of weekly progress and am hoping Applescripts can be the answer. If someone just wants to geek out with me on creating these Omni additions, AWESOME! If not, I'm happy to pay to have them created.

The best place to display the weekly progress results would be a website that presents the results visually and can be shared with others. Something like Youcalc for basecamp.

Here's the overview:

I would LOVE these functions to create a visual of:

- the amount of tasks you plan to complete (or amount of time you plan to spend on tasks) at the start of the week.
- the amount of tasks completed (or amount of time spent) at the end of the week.

- Check to see if your top 3 priorities were completed and display the result

- Count how much time was spent, or how many tasks were completed that were in projects with a due date with 45 days or a due date greater than 45 days and display the ratio

- Determine the % of tasks completed over the course of the week that were flagged as "uses my strengths"

If you're interested, capable or know of someone who is, let me know. :)
Hi Hewdini,

If you like, you can try out Spootnik ( to synchronize your OmniFocus with Basecamp. Thus, you're able to use youcalc ...

- Lars

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