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convert Visio stencil Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've got a ton of Visio Shapes that have to come over to Graffle. Save as xml and import? Isn't there something that would not lose all the resolution/detail?

This is a constant headache with Graffle - baseline compatibility with Visio. Ever seen the size of an XML file? - about 8x - and it still doesn't catch all the info.

Yes, I purchased Graffle, but have to carry two laptops with me - a Mac for Graffle, and a PC for Visio.
100% agree. Visio compatibility is a big component of the Pro price tag. Improved Viso support is very much required.

Imagine buying OmniPlan (when it's released) then discovering that it only partially supports MS Project files...
I guess the problem also exist with the Visio Converter available at but at least it partly allows mass conversion.

Or am I mistaken that VSS files are simply renamed VSD files? I'd also like to convert a few simple stencils to Visio, sadly the Online Conversion service seems to take a while until the file is sent. Anyone experience with this or other services?
I would like to report any sort of success with Visio stencils, but I can not find much to talk about.

I used Visio 2003 on a PC to open some Extreme Networks Alpine stencils. I then created a new document and placed each individual stencil. I saved it as a Visio XML document. I moved it ot the Mac and opened it in OmniGraffle 4.1.2.

The results are that objects may show up, while others are invisible. The text is usually mangled terribly in all the stencil objects.

In the next attempt, I copied each Visio stencil object from Visio 2003 to Word 2003. I saved the Word file and moved it to the Mac. I opened it in Word X on my Mac. Most of the solid parts of the objects look fine. Smaller object details are often skewed. The text is a total loss; Word translates it to be larger and stretched out over the stencil object.

So basically, any complicated object in Visio stencils can not be moved to OmiGraffle on the Macintosh. What a shame that no one has a method to move these Visio stencils over to the Mac and OmniGraffle.

:confused: :(
I want to give credit to the follow person and website for a solution that works, but requires a lot of effort. Scott Lowe has a blog entry that gives a process that is useful in making the conversion to OmniGraffle stencils.

Here’s the process I’m using:

1. Place a single item from a Visio stencil onto a blank Visio diagram and save that diagram as a PNG image. (Override the default screen resolution to custom resolution of say 400dpi.)

2. Move the PNG image to my Mac and copy the contents of the PNG to the clipboard. OR drag the PNG directly onto an open OGP document.

3. Paste the image into a stencil in OGP. Tweak the size, connection points, etc., until satisfied. Move into a OGP stencil file and save occasionally.

4. Repeat as needed.

I, too, want to use stencils from Visio in OmniGraffle, especially from Cisco. So far I found some which were converted by others, but I want to convert those I need ;o)

I have access to Visio, so opening and exporting is no problem, but I have not yet found a suitable file format to export from Visio (as vector graphics, of course) and to import in OmniGraffle.

Can anyone give hints?
Originally Posted by inetd View Post
Yes, I purchased Graffle, but have to carry two laptops with me - a Mac for Graffle, and a PC for Visio.
Visio runs fine on Parallels.
Note that this thread was long-dormant (~1.5 years), so the earlier posters are likely to no longer need any help.

Also, OmniGraffle 5 Pro can open and directly use many Visio stencils, so there is much less need to explicitly convert them.
Well, it is still not possible to open the cisco visio stencil (.vss) in Omnigraffle 5.1. They are obviously created with visio 2007, and this seems to be a problem to Omnigraffle 5.1.

I would really pay for these icons actually. I suppose it's not possible to sell them since cisco owns the rights though. But if somebody at Omnigraffle or anywhere could invest some time in converting all icons so that they look ok at the end, I would be him forever thankfull. Maybe I could pay for this through a donation?

I mean, ConceptDraw makes it a sell argument, that they have the whole cisco icon set already integrated in the app. I really think this is worth the investment for Omni. One small update a year would be nirvana.
I had given up a long time ago on ever importing my Visio stencils into OG, today I was researching something different and came across this post. So I decided to try importing the 80 or so stencils I have from a back up. OG imported some of the official Visio stencils (although the text is still wrong size or direction or piled up or all three) and when I try to open my custom stencils that I made, OGP5 asks me to resave them in Visio 2003 and that may correct the problem. They were created in Visio 2003, so obviously that isn't going to make a difference. Any great ideas out there??

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