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Best way to add multiple color (swatches) to a shape? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a set of shapes on a canvas. Each shape has 0 or more 'tags' that I need to visualize on the shape, each tag with a color. The attached file shows an example, but the exact visualization is not important.

What would be a good way to accomplish something like this? It seems an individual shape can only have a single color.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	skitched-20121118-093654.jpg
Views:	857
Size:	14.3 KB
ID:	2649  
Perhaps a group of shapes in which the central node carries the tags, on the basis of which the satellites are generated.

It might simplify scripting and reference to create (invisible) links from the nucleus to the subsidiary organelles, to give them parent-child relationships.

But of course, make sure you switch off Auto-layout. Frequently :-)
In Applescript, that would be something like:
tell oLayer 
	set oLink to connect oNucleus to oTagShape with properties { … }
end tell
You can make a line invisible by giving it zero width.

You can then use an idiom like

set {lstOrigin, lstID} to {origin, id} of (destination of outgoing lines of oParent)
to get a list of the ids and positions of the subsidiary tag shapes


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