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Trial version for OmniFocus on iPhone? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello OmniFans,

I am in the process of shifting from my bberry to ipod touch. More of an experiment really. I am currently running trial version of Omnifocus on my mac. Is there a way I can try out Omnifocus for Iphone/ipod touch before I pay for it. I though I read somewhere someone trying it out, but I am not sure how I can get the trial version from the app store. I only see a buy app link.

Unfortunately, no. As of today, there is no way to trial OmniFocus for iPhone without actually buying it.

However, Apple recently enabled in-app purchasing for free apps in the iTunes App Store. What this means is that developers now have the option to offer a free version of their app with limited functionality, along with a built-in mechanism for later upgrading to the full version, all done from within the app itself.

I don't know if the Omni Groups plans to go this route, but I suspect we'll start seeing more and more apps on the iTunes Store using this model in the coming months.

Go for it! Trust me. I have bought Things, RTM, Appigo ToDo, Toodledo, and others. Omnifocus makes them pale by comparison. You will never regret it.

Also, you may watch the video in this site. It is rather explanatory.
Thanks Mango...I've bought it :-). Will try and have a look at the video too.
Originally Posted by Toadling View Post
However, Apple recently enabled in-app purchasing for free apps in the iTunes App Store. What this means is that developers now have the option to offer a free version of their app with limited functionality, along with a built-in mechanism for later upgrading to the full version, all done from within the app itself.
This is a really nice tool that Apple's made available; it works great for new products added to the store from here on out. The last time I talked to a developer about it, though, it wasn't clear how to add the free trial and let existing OmniFocus customers bypass the in-app purchase.

If the App Store doesn't have a way to say "folks that already bought OmniFocus don't need to do the in-app purchase" this won't work, in other words. (Having two versions of OmniFocus on the App Store works around this but causes other problems.)

We'd love to give folks a way to trial OmniFocus, though, and this shows that Apple is adding stuff to the App Store to make developers' lives easier. We don't know exactly what we'll end up doing, but we remain hopeful. :-)
Hey Brian-

Check out iXexpenseIt on the app store. They offer a free trial version and paid version as separate apps in the store. If you use the free version, it limits you to the amount of data you can enter (it's an expense tracking app). If you then purchase the full version, you can use a button in the free app to send your data to the paid version. Perhaps OF could do something similar. Offer up a free or trial version that lets you create a max of 10 actions and 2 projects, for instance. Then if you buy the full version you can just transfer your data over to the full one.
Iiiinteresting. They've found a neat (if somewhat complicated) way to move data from the free version to the paid version, which is another tricky part of the two-apps approach. (Apps aren't allowed to touch each other's data directly on the phone for security reasons.)

It's a little bit complicated but it does get the job done - I'll make sure to mention that to the team. Thanks!

Last edited by Brian; 2009-11-10 at 10:19 AM.. Reason: correct spelling error
Originally Posted by mavakil View Post
Thanks Mango...I've bought it :-). Will try and have a look at the video too.
I am glad you did. You will be happy with it. Make it as simple as you want or as complicated as you want. It's a great app.

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