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Looking for clever ideas: non-regular recurring tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Firstly, apologies if this has already been covered, I did a search but couldn't see anything related to this. If I've missed it please feel free to point me in the right direction.

So the situation - I have a meeting on Monday nights, and have set up a recurring task to start on the Sunday before, to remind me to collect together the stuff I need for the meeting and take it with me the next day.

The problem: although this meeting is always Monday nights, it's sometimes weekly, but can also fairly often skip a week. So although it's the same night each time, it's not always every week.

In this case, it's pretty clear setting a recurring task isn't going to work. I love the "start again x weeks after completion" function, but can't see that I can use it here.

Anyone got any clever ideas how best to handle this situation? I thought of setting up a template project to copy/paste, but it's only a single task...
A recurring task will work, you just need to be willing to change it when the schedule changes. I like Dan Byler's Defer script, available here.
For me, the easiest thing is to leave the task there, then when it shows up on Sunday night, if I know the meeting has been cancelled, just mark it completed so it advances to the next week. Unless you're using your completed items for some type of reporting, it doesn't hurt to have it there. If you ARE, then you can check it off so that it regenerates, then delete the checked version from the screen.
Alan's suggestion works, too, but you have to be a little bit careful about how you set up the repeat. For the purposes of this discussion, I'm assuming a weekly repeat. If you do Repeat every, and you mark it off as completed on a different day, the action will stay put on the same day as originally scheduled, just a different week. If you have Due again, and you mark it off as completed on a different day, the action will move to be due on the day of the week you completed it.

One nice thing about the Defer script is that you don't have to worry about which kind of repeat you have.
Thanks to both for your suggestions. Alan's approach is definitely easiest, but I recognise the risk. The meeting is always Monday, so a "repeat every" will probably do the job, but I'm interested to investigate scripts anyway as I haven't tried them with OF yet.

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