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Applescript to Show Active Tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This script reports "active" tasks, defined as those that are flagged and not completed. The output format is as


Action groups can be displayed expanded or not, whereby in the latter case they show as

Project Group SEPARATER group name <COUNT>

Tasks with empty contexts show as


The report can be sorted forward or reverse, and counts can be hidden. I use this with GeekTool -- caveat OF must be running for it to work. The script is attached in an archive.

	This script creates a list of flagged actions and reports them in (reverse) order by context
	Report Format		

property reverseSort : "true" -- set to false for forward sort
property showCount : "true" -- set to false to avoid showing count
property expandGroup : "true" -- set to true to expand action groups
property headerStr : "Active" -- HEADER text when active count > 0
property nheaderStr : "No Active Tasks" -- NOHEADER when active count = 0
property mtcntxtStr : "<empty>" -- string when context is missing
property barStr : "--" -- BAR string after header
property preStr : "●" & tab -- PRESTRING prior to each list item
property actGroupStr : "Project Group" -- pre-string when task is action group (shows when expandGroup = false)
property sepStr : " : " -- SEPARATOR string between context and task

tell application "OmniFocus"
	tell front document
		-- get list of active tasks
		set AList to flattened tasks where ((flagged is true) and (completed is false))
		if ((count of AList) > 0) then
			-- make the header
			set theCount to (count of AList)
			set SortedList to ""
			set theReport to ""
			-- start parsing each task
			repeat with ListItem in AList
				if (the number of tasks of ListItem = 0) then
					-- a single task
						set theContext to preStr & (name of context of ListItem) & sepStr
					on error
						set theContext to preStr & mtcntxStr & sepStr
					end try
					set theAction to (name of ListItem)
					set SortedList to SortedList & (theContext & theAction) as list
					-- an action group (no expand or expand)
					if (expandGroup is "false") then
						-- do not expand action groups
						if (showCount is "true") then
							set countStr to " <" & (number of tasks of ListItem) & ">"
							set countStr to ""
						end if
						set theContext to preStr & actGroupStr & sepStr
						set theAction to (name of containing project of ListItem) & sepStr & (name of ListItem) & countStr
						set SortedList to SortedList & (theContext & theAction) as list
						-- expand action groups completely
						set XList to ((flattened tasks of ListItem) where (completed is false))
						set theCount to theCount - 1
						repeat with XListItem in XList
								set theContext to preStr & (name of context of XListItem) & sepStr
							on error
								set theContext to preStr & mtcntxtStr & sepStr
							end try
							set theAction to (name of XListItem)
							set theCount to theCount + 1
							set SortedList to SortedList & (theContext & theAction) as list
						end repeat
					end if
				end if
			end repeat
			if (reverseSort is "true") then
				set SortedList to the reverse of my simple_sort(the SortedList)
				set SortedList to my simple_sort(the SortedList)
			end if
			repeat with ListItem in SortedList
				set theReport to theReport & (ListItem) & return
			end repeat
			set theReport to nheaderStr
		end if
	end tell
	if (showCount is "true") then
		set countStr to " (" & theCount & ")"
		set countStr to ""
	end if
	set theReport to headerStr & countStr & return & barStr & return & theReport
	return theReport
end tell

on simple_sort(my_list)
	set the index_list to {}
	set the sorted_list to {}
	repeat (the number of items in my_list) times
		set the low_item to ""
		repeat with i from 1 to (number of items in my_list)
			if i is not in the index_list then
				set this_item to item i of my_list as text
				if the low_item is "" then
					set the low_item to this_item
					set the low_item_index to i
				else if this_item comes before the low_item then
					set the low_item to this_item
					set the low_item_index to i
				end if
			end if
		end repeat
		set the end of sorted_list to the low_item
		set the end of the index_list to the low_item_index
	end repeat
	return the sorted_list
end simple_sort
Attached Files
File Type: zip (10.7 KB, 894 views)
If you'd like to get at the raw data without needing OmniFocus to be running, you could write something along these lines (to get sorted rows of three tab-delimited fields).

( man sort in will list the other switches for the bash sort command )

property pstrSQL : quoted form of "
FROM ((task t left join projectinfo pi on tt 
left join task p on tt.task=p.persistentIdentifier) 
left join context c on tt.context = c.persistentIdentifier
WHERE tt.flagged=1 and tt.dateCompleted is null"

tell application id "MACS" to set strID to (get id of application file id "OFOC")
set strDBPath to "~/Library/Caches/" & strID & "/OmniFocusDatabase2"
set strLines to do shell script "sqlite3 " & strDBPath & space & pstrSQL & " | tr '|' '\\t' | sort -k 1,2"

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-07-24 at 07:54 AM.. Reason: Edited SQL to include tasks in Inbox
I can just about follow what is happening ... the SQLite commands are stored, the datapath is stored, the commands are assembled, and the result is sent through a shell pipe.

Nice to watch a master at work here!


No mastery at all, but you are right – the sqlite approach is not very good for legibility or maintenance – especially as code like this is likely to break with OF2

(but echoing lines to the sort command may prove to be a useful thing to experiment with. Here it's just sorting by columns 1 and 2.)


Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-07-24 at 03:21 PM..
Version 1.1 is attached with following notes:

		version 1.1 (JJW)
			-- added ability to hide tasks starting later
			-- added ability to show only Next Actions
			-- changed to booleans for flags
			-- increment count of tasks in all loops
This can give an equivalent output to the perspective settings shown below.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	OFActive.png
Views:	978
Size:	16.6 KB
ID:	2470  
Attached Files
File Type: zip (15.2 KB, 862 views)
FWIW a lazy implementation of sorting in Applescript might look like this:

on sort(my_list)
	set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, linefeed}
	set lstSorted to paragraphs of (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (my_list as text) & " | sort")
	set my text item delimiters to dlm
end sort
(you could append the -r switch for a reversed sort)


set lstReversed to paragraphs of (do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (my_list as text) & " | sort -r")
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
FWIW a lazy implementation of sorting in Applescript might look like this: ...
Thank you. That's not really lazy IMO, actually it is rather clever to use a shell sort. I figured it was possible somehow, I just cobbled in what I found as the first reasonable result after a Web search for Applescript sorting routines. This is also useful to see how to capture returns from shell commands.

You can do simple formatting (Markdown bulleted lists with headers and sub-headers, for example) by further piping through awk from Applescript

property pstrSQL : quoted form of "
FROM ((task t left join projectinfo pi on tt 
left join task p on tt.task=p.persistentIdentifier) 
left join context c on tt.context = c.persistentIdentifier
WHERE tt.flagged=1 and tt.dateCompleted is null

tell application "Finder" to set strDBPath to "~/Library/Caches/" & (id of application file id "OFOC") & "/OmniFocusDatabase2"
set strReport to (do shell script "sqlite3 " & strDBPath & space & pstrSQL & " | tr '|' '\\t' | awk '
BEGIN {FS=\"\\t\"; ctx=0; prj=0} # Initialise File Separator and header variables
# Output an MD header whenever 1st col value [CONTEXT] changes,
	if (ctx!=$1)  {ctx=$1; if (length(ctx) < 1) {print \"\\n##(no context)\"} 
	else {print \"\\n##\" ctx}}; 
# and output an MD bulleted project name whenever 2nd  col value [PROJECT] changes,	 
	if (prj!=$2)  {prj=$2; if (length(prj) < 1) {print \"\\n* Inbox\"} 
	else {print \"\\n* \" prj}};  
# and output column 3 [TASK] (with an MD sub-bullet) if it differs from col 2
	if ($3!=$2) {print \"\\t* \" $3} 

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-08-01 at 12:15 PM.. Reason: Cleaner output for project tasks
Or simple text formatting from a pure shell script, for NerdTool, GeekTool, etc, without needing OmniFocus to be running.

#OFOC=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to get id of application file id "OFOC"')
OFOC="com.omnigroup.OmniFocus" # For Appstore-purchased variant use (slower) line above instead
sqlite3 $HOME/Library/Caches/$OFOC/OmniFocusDatabase2 '
FROM ((task t left join projectinfo pi on tt 
left join task p on tt.task=p.persistentIdentifier) 
left join context c on tt.context = c.persistentIdentifier
WHERE tt.flagged=1 and tt.dateCompleted is null 
ORDER BY,' | awk '
BEGIN {FS="\|"; prj=0; ctx=0;}
	# Output a [CONTEXT] header whenever 1st col value changes,
		if (ctx!=$1)  {ctx=$1; if (length(ctx) < 1) {print "(no context)"} 
		else {print "[" ctx "]"}}; 
	# and output a project name whenever 2nd  col value [PROJECT] changes,	 
		if (prj!=$2)  {prj=$2; if (length(prj) < 1) {print "\t(Inbox)"} 
		else {print "\t" prj}};  
	# and output column 3 [TASK] if it differs from col 2
		if ($3!=$2) {print "\t• " $3}

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-08-02 at 08:26 PM..

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