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Folders should expand when focused Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
It seems to me that when double clicking a collapsed folder to focus it, the new window should open with that folder expanded. This would be a nice way to switch between project sets quickly.

Does anyone have a reason this shouldn't happen? I'll submit a feature request if not.

Which version are you running? It seems to behave this way for me in the 1.1 SP...
I'm running the 1.1 SP. If I double-click a folder in the sidebar, a new window opens with the Library selected and the focused folder collapsed.

However, I vaguely remember reading about a hidden preference that could be used to make the default behavior for any collapsible item to be expanded. I'm not sure if it would apply here, but it might be worth trying if you can figure out what the pref was. I'm pretty sure I read it on this forum.

Here it is. Haven't tried it myself, but it might be worth a shot:

defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniFocus ExpandRowsByDefault -bool true


PS - BTW, if you try it and don't like it, you can remove the setting with this:

defaults delete com.omnigroup.OmniFocus ExpandRowsByDefault

Last edited by Toadling; 2008-07-14 at 10:50 PM.. Reason: Added command for removal of preference setting
Ah, yep, I've got that set, completely forgot about it! Well, there's your answer, it's been there all along :-)
Awesome. Thanks Toadling.
My pleasure. :-)

Actually, I just tried that hidden pref and didn't see any change in the double-click focus behavior. The resulting new window still shows the folder collapsed in the sidebar with my Library selected (so I still see all the projects expanded in the main content ares, but the sidebar folder is collapsed).

Is that not what you're seeing with this hidden preference enabled?


Last edited by Toadling; 2008-07-15 at 12:04 AM..
Yes, I hadn't tried it yet : ). I'm sad to report that it only seems to apply to projects, but not folders. Ken, any more hidden magic?
I just went to my sidebar, collapsed everything, picked a folder with lots of nesting, double-clicked on it, and got a new window that was focused on that folder, with all the folders open in the sidebar and all the projects open in the main panel. Then I tried it again with a different folder with lots of nesting, and only the projects opened. Hmm....
Double doesn't even always work with a folder that it worked with previously! Time to file another bug report, I think.

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