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Swimlane diagrams? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Please add my vote for cross-functional flowchart template or feature of some kind comparable to Visio. I just bought OmniGraffle and I guess I just assumed you could easily make swimlane diagrams as they are such a common type of diagram in my line of work. If it were a "Pro" feature I would understand and be willing to pay the premium.

I am sure OmniPlan is quite good but I have no need for PM tools in my personal life, so it is unlikely that I would purchase it just to do quasi-swimlane diagrams.
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
If what you need is swim lanes and only swim lanes, OmniPlan is going to work much better for your needs. Looks like the "Swim Lanes" request was first filed back in 2006 - since then, we've gotten <20 customer requests.
Here's another request. I used Visio primarily to diagram business processes, and if OmniGraffle want's to bill itself as a Visio replacement I echo other posters who indicate this is indeed important.

It's good to know OmniPlan has them - I may just go see if I can figure that out. I really need to utilize OmniPlan more anyway so maybe this will get me started. Hopefully there's a way to bring them in from OmniPlan for furtrher editing in OmniGraffle. It sounds like OmniPlan automatically builds and maintains them, which is more than Visio does - Visio just provides templates as a starting point.
Originally Posted by rlieving View Post
Swim Lanes are key for any Management Consultant. It looks like your product is more geared towards designers and programmers, which is a huge disappointment.

From what I can see, Swim Lanes are a feature a lot of people have been asking about.
Please add another vote for swimlane functionality in Omnigraffle. If we are to set OG up as an alternative to Visio, it should at least have comparable capabilities.
Add me to the list. Swimlanes please!
Originally Posted by marktatham View Post
Please add another vote for swimlane functionality in Omnigraffle. If we are to set OG up as an alternative to Visio, it should at least have comparable capabilities.
I am really surprised that Omnigraffle doesn't have swim lanes. Please count my vote for this fundamental feature.
Has everyone looking for swim lanes reviewed Derek Asirvadem's earlier post in this thread which describes how swim lane diagrams are made in OmniGraffle with its existing feature set?

Beyond those current capabilities, what specific additional features are you looking for?
I just want the speed and simplicity of creating swim lanes that I am used to with Visio - I like to create business process diagrams as I'm thinking the process through so don't want any clunky workarounds to achieve what should be a basic function of any business drawing package.

While Graffletopia can be used to quickly create attractive graphics, as a process modelling tool it's inadequate.

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