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Page number ordering issue on print Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've run into a weird error while printing documents, I can't reliably reproduce it, but it happens more often than not.

My documents are all landscape-oriented, with the page scale set to 80%. I have a variable that displays the page number in the bottom right corner of most pages. The documents I've been printing recently are between 5 and 12 page long.

Sometimes, the page numbering gets out of whack - it seems to skip a page (1,2,3,4,6,7,8), but it doesn't do it all the time. Its kinda frustrating, especially if I have to reprint a specific page. Rather than use the page number, I instead have to look at all the pages around that page and figure out which page I really want to print.

Anybody else running into this weird issue? If you have, how did you fix it (if you managed to fix it, that is)?

Just for a little more information - its always missing Page 5.
It may have to do with the print scale and canvas size -- If you can send this document in to I'd be happy to take a look at it.
"Vroom! Vroom!!"
For whatever reason, it hasn't been happening lately. Next time it does I'll send it to you guys/gals. Thanks!
Hi there,

I created a document with a custom tabloid set up and now it is skipping page 2 when I create a PDF (it prints the page, it just numbers it Page 3 instead of 2). it displays fine in OmniGraffle.

Any suggestions?
I just sent a quick email off to support regarding this very issue. Though I am not using a custom tabloid setup. I have mixed portrait and landscape canvases and am trying to auto number all canvases uniformly using a separate shared layer for the specific canvas type. The auto number fails after I add the third canvas to the document. In my situation, when I have 3 canvases the first one indicates "page 1 of 3", the second "page 2 of 3", but the third indicates "page 4 of 3".

Any thoughts?


Originally Posted by JonStout View Post
Hi there,

I created a document with a custom tabloid set up and now it is skipping page 2 when I create a PDF (it prints the page, it just numbers it Page 3 instead of 2). it displays fine in OmniGraffle.

Any suggestions?

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