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"Jump to specific canvas" action wrong in exported PDF? [A: Bug, fixed in 5.4.1] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I found strange issue when switched to 5.4:

When exporting to pdf switch to specific canvas feature works not as expected - it switches to the canvas next to the canvas specified, e.g. if I have "Canvas1" and "Canvas2" and they are located one after another in Canvases list, I have to specify Canvas1 instead of Canvas2 in Actions inspector to get pdf be switched to Canvas2.

On previouse version everything worked fine.

How it can be fixed?
I'm sorry for the trouble this is causing! I've reproduced the issue in a test document and will get this over to the rest of the OmniGraffle team for triage.

Aha, it looks like this is one of the issues we'll be fixing in the upcoming 5.4.1 release. If you'd like, you can work around this by downloading and installing the release candidate. Hope that helps!
I am running OSX 10.7.4 and I cannot mount the DMG file (this is the first DMG where I have gotten this error.) And I was hoping it would solve the previous mentioned problem with not being able to export to PDF with hotspots pointing to the wrong pages.
Enginpost, this is most commonly when the disk image file is incomplete, either because it's still downloading, or because the connection dropped before the download had actually completed.

In cases like that, the fix is just to pull the file down again and give it plenty of time to complete and/or compare the size of the downloaded file in the Finder with the size posted on the website.

This isn't the only cause - there are other things that can cause the disk image to fail to mount, but they're much rarer and require some more investigation to diagnose/fix. If you call our support ninjas at 800.315.6664 or email us, we'll be happy to assist!
Wait, I'm a goofball. I just remembered hearing some coworkers discussing a problem with the sneakypeek builds that were being posted to the website earlier today - this was completely our fault.

That said, the issue that caused it has been resolved - if you download the most recent sneakypeek, you should be able to open the file. Sorry for the trouble!

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