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OmniPlan V2 - Losing columns of data when copying to Excel Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

In Omni Plan 1, I was able to easily copy and paste selected data into an Excel Spreadsheet to create task lists for my team members.

I'm finding in Omni Plan 2, that columns of data are not copying over. My current plan as columns (from left to right) of Task/Duration/Start/End/Completed/Assigned. When I copy the data and paste it into Excel, I'm losing the Start and End date columns. Everything shifts to the left as if those fields were not in existence.

When I add additional columns as a test (continuing to the right with Remaining Effort/Prerequisites/Dependents), all fields paste into Excel except for the two date fields.

Any ideas? That information is crucial to my team in order for them to know when they are expected to start and finish their tasks.

I appreciate your help.


That sounds like a straight up bug. We'll take a look, thanks!


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