Originally Posted by StrawHousePig
Right now my local "server" favorites file is modified while my server bookmarks have yet to catch up. Using the "Synchronize Bookmarks Now" menu item apparently does nothing.
Wait, scratch that. I just ran it before posting and my older server bookmarks just overwrote my newer local ones. Lovely.
I'm seeing this same sort of behaviour with just a single OW syncing to my apache mod_davfs. The DAV works great and I can mount it and copy files back and forth no worries, but when it comes to OW, the very first time I set the DAV connection up, it will upload all three html files.
I can go and add and delete bookmarks locally but from there onwards it will either say "failed to sync", or else it will claim to have synced, but when I check the contents of the html files on the server they have not changed, nor has the mtime timestamp on the files. Yet, after adding a new bookmark and choosing "sync now", I get the following in my apache access_log:
Code: - pawz [08/Sep/2008:01:59:15 +1000] "PUT /dav/Bookmarks.html HTTP/1.1" 412 468 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/525.20) OmniWeb/v622.2.0.104570" - pawz [08/Sep/2008:01:59:19 +1000] "GET /dav/Bookmarks.html HTTP/1.1" 200 64197 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/525.20) OmniWeb/v622.2.0.104570" - pawz [08/Sep/2008:01:59:23 +1000] "PUT /dav/Bookmarks.html HTTP/1.1" 412 468 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X; en-US) AppleWebKit/525.18 (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/525.20) OmniWeb/v622.2.0.104570" - pawz [08/Sep/2008:01:59:53 +1000] "PROPFIND /dav/ HTTP/1.1" 207 550 "-" "WebDAVFS/1.7 (01708000) Darwin/9.4.0 (Power Macintosh)"
Clearly it is issuing a PUT command there, so something should be being written to the disk but it's not, and there's nothing in the error_log at all. Finder's PUT's work fine, Konqueror's PUT's work fine, but OW's just don't do anything.
When I ran litmus on my DAV server I got the following warnings and errors:
16. fail_cond_put......... WARNING: PUT failed with 423 not 412
...................... pass (with 1 warning)
18. cond_put_corrupt_token WARNING: PUT failed with 400 not 423
...................... pass (with 1 warning)
22. fail_cond_put_unlocked FAIL (conditional PUT with invalid lock-token should fail: 204 No Content)
Is this the reason that it's failing to write the files ?
I just don't understand why apache happily writes out a successful PUT operation to its logs, when nothing has actually been put on the filesystem.
Very frustrated, because I really wanted to implement DAV for sharing this sort of information.