I often save some text from websites, like articles or tutorials in a very organized OmniOutliner document, by creating a new row for title, then a new row for the text, for a code etc.
It works pretty well for me, I can this way for example highlight the text and paste it in a new row in oo3. Then, I go back in oo3 to organize all my news titles rows and texts rows to have my well organized oo3 file, like for example, an all applescripts tutorials oo3 file I found on the web. ;-)
I know it is a very basic script, but maybe some of you can help me to make it more "expert like" or to make it more powerfull.
thank you.
I often save some text from websites, like articles or tutorials in a very organized OmniOutliner document, by creating a new row for title, then a new row for the text, for a code etc.
tell application "OmniWeb" activate tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down end tell tell application "OmniOutliner" activate tell application "System Events" keystroke return keystroke "v" using command down end tell end tell tell application "OmniWeb" to activate
I know it is a very basic script, but maybe some of you can help me to make it more "expert like" or to make it more powerfull.
thank you.
Last edited by sangheeta; 2008-12-21 at 11:20 AM..