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Nooby Question about projects and contexts Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am just trying to get my workflow sorted and could do with a bit of advice.

Here's my folder / project setup:

- Shopping
- Something else
- Client XYZ
-- Website

Here's the problem I have come across...

1. I add "Buy some tomatoes" into my personal -> shopping project.
2. I add "fix bug" for client XYZ on their website project.
3. I am now at work and I fix the bug. I assign the context "Accounts" to the task so that I know I need to invoice for it when i do my accounts at the end of the month
4. Now I want to be able to focus on all of my work things that aren't accounts related stuff. If i am in project view I don't seem to be able to get rid of the "accounts" stuff. If i am in context view I don't seem to be able to get rid of the personal stuff or focus on a particular project.

I am sure that this is more of a way of thinking about things rather than a flaw in the project so I would really appreciate it if someone could explain the best way to achieve what I am trying to
My first thought is, you may want to reconsider the CONTEXT versus PROJECT / FOLDER paradigm. For example, to me, Shopping is more a context than a project folder, and Accounts is more a project than a context. This would allow you to view non-accounts related actions only simply by not viewing that project. It would also allow you to see only those actions that are not personal contexts (Shopping) simply by not viewing that context.

In another respect, perhaps you are running up against the limitation of how best to assign projects or tasks to PEOPLE in OF. The two diametric schools of thought seem to be 1) use folders or 2) use contexts.

Method 1 (Folders)
- Shopping
- Spouse
- Hobbies
- Website
- Client X
- Reports

Method 2 (Contexts)
- Spouse
- Client X

This is all a starting point for consideration rather than a straight up solution. Hope it helps you find something that works.
thanks, i think I need to give a bit more thought to how this is going to work for me as I don't think I quite have the difference between contexts and projects straightened out in my head.

anyway, need to get back to trying to clear this todo list and then I'll think more about it!

thanks again
Here is my approach FWIW ...

A task is an action that you do in a statement equivalent to "do this"

* buy new car
* mail report to Bob
* review first draft of proposal
* finalize project outcome statement

A project is a collection of such tasks to accomplish an objective. A project might have parallel =, sequential >, or one step + Groups (an difference of OF over Things).

New Car Project
Objective: get a new car with the best exchange for my old one
* = Background Research
-- review new car offerings
-- review Kelly Blue Book exchange rate
* > Shopping
-- visit dealer for first look
-- review on-line info about models I like
-- revisit dealer for test drive
-- generate pro/con list from my choices
-- revisit dealer for price negotiations

A context is either the location, tool, or person that is required for the task. Examples of mine are ...

-- Work
-- Desk
-- Home
-- Errands
-- Anywhere

-- Book
-- Computer
-- Camera

-- Phone
-- Email
-- Chat

-- ☺ Bob
-- ☺ Sue
-- Waiting For

... where I use special characters specifically to designate location, tool, or people contexts.

In review of your use of Shopping, perhaps you have this as a project because you have an objective to accomplish for it. Maybe it is within a Folder called Widget

Widget Folder
-- Shopping Project
(Objective: get the best deal on the widget)
* search on line for the prices
* search at stores for the prices
* decide which is the best offer
* buy the widget
-- Test It Project
(Objective: put the widget to test)
* install the widget
* test its operation
* agree that it works as desired

Alternatively, perhaps shopping is more of a "place" where you go to do something, in which case it is more of a context (equivalent to what often is listed as Errands in contexts).



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