I started using the greatly designed Pomodoro App.
Pomodoro is a technique about getting totally focused on a task by committing to work on it for 25 minutes.
The app is basically a kitchen clock but with a lot of interesting features for productivity geeks and Omnifocus users :)
For example, Pomodoro pulls the (flagged and due soon) ToDos from Omnifocus. You only have to hit a shotcut for pomodoro to show up, select a omnifocus task from a pulldown menu (with the arrow keys) and you can start focusing.
What's even better is that the app paste the 25 min intervals including the ToDO name in iCal afterwards. This is awesome for getting an overview on what you have worked on in one day and how much time it cost you. (There also people who make long term visualization out of this data.)
I have just one small wish left: the Pomodoro app only pulls the name of the ToDos from Omnifocus but I would love to have it pull the Project name of the ToDo as well. -This would make the overview in iCal more structured as I could easily see how much time exactly I worked on a project.
Pomodoro uses an applescript to get the data out of Omnifocus. I tried to change it but I haven't succeeded so far as I'm completly new to applescript.
That's the orignal applescript the developer uses to get the ToDos out of Omnifocus:
Can anyone help me out here?
I described my problem also in the Pomodoro Issue tracker forum here:
Developers' site with explanations and a free alpha version: http://pomodoro.ugolandini.com/
Appstore link: http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/pomod...17574133?mt=12
PS: (it took me one Pomodoro (25 min) to write this forum post by the way:)
I started using the greatly designed Pomodoro App.
Pomodoro is a technique about getting totally focused on a task by committing to work on it for 25 minutes.
The app is basically a kitchen clock but with a lot of interesting features for productivity geeks and Omnifocus users :)
For example, Pomodoro pulls the (flagged and due soon) ToDos from Omnifocus. You only have to hit a shotcut for pomodoro to show up, select a omnifocus task from a pulldown menu (with the arrow keys) and you can start focusing.
What's even better is that the app paste the 25 min intervals including the ToDO name in iCal afterwards. This is awesome for getting an overview on what you have worked on in one day and how much time it cost you. (There also people who make long term visualization out of this data.)
I have just one small wish left: the Pomodoro app only pulls the name of the ToDos from Omnifocus but I would love to have it pull the Project name of the ToDo as well. -This would make the overview in iCal more structured as I could easily see how much time exactly I worked on a project.
Pomodoro uses an applescript to get the data out of Omnifocus. I tried to change it but I haven't succeeded so far as I'm completly new to applescript.
That's the orignal applescript the developer uses to get the ToDos out of Omnifocus:
Can anyone help me out here?
tell application "System Events" to if exists process "OmniFocus" then tell application "OmniFocus" tell default document set due_soon to a reference to setting id "DueSoonInterval" set due_soon_interval to ((value of due_soon) / days) as integer set due_date to (current date) + due_soon_interval * days get name of every flattened task whose completed is false and blocked is false and ((due date is less than or equal to due_date) or (flagged is true or flagged of containing project is true)) and status of containing project is active end tell end tell end if
Developers' site with explanations and a free alpha version: http://pomodoro.ugolandini.com/
Appstore link: http://itunes.apple.com/en/app/pomod...17574133?mt=12
PS: (it took me one Pomodoro (25 min) to write this forum post by the way:)
Last edited by marekp; 2011-06-16 at 05:16 AM..