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Project/Context entry screens in portrait, even if device held landscape. [A: Bug!] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I must have messed something up . . .

About a week ago I began having a problem with my iPad and iPhone versions where the orientation layout of the page changes from horizontal to portrait whenever I go to put the context and project in.

This happens automatically and I cannot figure out how to stop it.

After I enter the info, the page automatically returns to horizontal layout.

Not a huge problem, but is annoying.


Last edited by Stickfiguresimple; 2011-12-02 at 03:15 PM..
I can reproduce the behavior, and it looks like a bug to me.

Checking the development database, yeah it's something that appears to have happened in the 1.12 release; I'll follow up with the other folks on the team so we can get this fixed. In the meantime, apologies for the inconvenience!
Stickfiguresimple, are you able to get this to happen in the iPad app, or only in the iPhone app?

I can reproduce the problem in OmniFocus for iPhone on either device, but not in the iPad app. Since the post is in the forum for the latter, though, I wanted to double-check that I was reproducing the same thing you were seeing. Thanks for the help!

It does it on both the iPad and iPhone.

I put the repeat in on my desktop program, and then it will show on either device.

It will not stop doing this until I remove the task from all three devices.

That help?
Isn't this thread about the entry screens, not repeat issues?

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