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I'm about 99% sure this was working before (a few revs back), but before I submit a bug for it, let me see if anyone else is having this issue.

From QuickSilver, enter my task as:

"Do something with these log files >Project @office #tomorrow"

Select the Send to OmniFocus. It gets to Omnifocus, but somtimes it creates a new project named "Project office tomorrow", and places the task there, obviously with no context or due date. Other times it will get into the correct project, but everything after project becomes the context. Same results with not specifying the date(s). Then trying:

"Do something with these log files >Project" works and ends up under Project with no context, or dates as expected.

"Do something with these log files @office" ends up in the Inbox with context as expected.

"Do something with the log files @office #tomorrow" ends up in the Inbox with the context "office tomorrow"

"Do something with the log files #tomorrow" ends up in the Inbox with that as the task (including the #tomorrow in the task name). Specifying both start and end results in the same.

Is anyone else noticing this as well? Is there a newer version of the QS plugin that I've just missed due to OF auto updating itself?

I didn't think that you could set dates from the QS interface - it's not mentioned in the Send to OF script when you open it in Script Editor - but I'll be really thrilled if it is possible!

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