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Problem using actions to show/hide layers Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm having trouble getting OmniGraffle Pro (5.1) to show/hide layers using actions in the browse tool. I have a canvas with 4 layers, 3 of which are shared layers. When I try to assign an action ("shows or hides layers") to an object on one of the shared layers, the only layers available to show/hide are the current layer -- i.e. neither of the other two shared layers or the non-shared layer appear in the list of layers.

(The file I'm working on is a website wireframe, and I'm trying to get one of the navigation items (objects) on the primary nav (one of the shared layers) to show/hide a roll-over state (another shared layer). Instead it can only show/hide itself.)

Am I doing something wrong? Should this be possible?
Thanks for any help!
run into the same problem and this is persistent.

within a shared layer the toggle layer function simply does not work. if i declare a toggle for a layer from an object within a shared layer it might luckily work at the first instance, but with further edits the function gets lost and only the current (shared) layer can be selected within the layer list.

if i copy an object with a layer toggle assigned from a 'normal' layer and try to paste it into a shared layer... this is what i get:


*** -[NSCFArray insertObject:atIndex:]: index (2147483647 (or possibly larger)) beyond bounds (3)

objects with other actions/functions assigned work can be copied and pasted without any problems.

since i would not want to switch to fireworks at this point, i would be grateful for a quick reply.

i am using this omnigraffle:

Product: OmniGrafflePro-5.2
Tag: OmniGraffle/5.2.3/final-138.17
Date: 2010-06-15 15:45:08 -0700
Builder: ryan
Revision: 133677

on os x 10.6.7

the alert was actually due to trying to paste into an invisible shared layer... which is not exactly the dialog you would expect here... but what happens, when i paste the object into the shared layer is, that it looses the layer that should be toggled and then again only shows the currently selected... shared layer...

so the problem still persists, but the alert was due to the hidden state of the layer...
I don't know if Jeremy ever got an answer, nor what the answer is, but I know that if you want to be assured that someone in OmniGraffle support sees your question, you should send it in with Help->Send Feedback. The forum will often get you an answer sooner, if another user who knows the answer happens to read it, but there's no guarantee of it, whereas every email sent in to Omni support is supposed to be tracked and answered. No harm in asking in both places, either!

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