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Quicksilver plug-ins Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
A thread elsewhere digressed onto the topic of Quicksilver under Leopard and difficulties with plug-ins. Here's what I have loaded at the moment with ß54(3815):
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Name:	Picture 9.png
Views:	1350
Size:	182.1 KB
ID:	974  
thanks, that stuff isn't loading on my macmini intel.
I am guessing you are running a G4 or G5?
Nope, I'm doing this on my MacBook (Core 2 Duo, late 2006 vintage). You must be doing it wrong :-)

I just created a fresh account and loaded every last plug-in listed. I did get QS to stumble, but found a way that didn't have any problems.

1) remove both Library/Application Support/Quicksilver and Library/Preferences/com.blacktree.Quicksilver.plist
2) launch Quicksilver
3) don't load any of the plug-ins when offered, just complete the startup dialog
4) bring up the Quicksilver interface, and select Plug-ins from the gear menu
5) select All Plug-ins
6) methodically go through and check off the plug-ins you want, one at a time, waiting for each one to load before going on to the next. If it says some features won't be available until you restart, politely decline and go on choosing plug-ins.
7) when you've picked all of your desired plug-ins, go to the Preferences pane and turn on advanced features if you want them.

I can't guarantee it will work for you, but it works for me. When I tried to install multiple plug-ins simultaneously, I often had Quicksilver get stuck part of the way through. Once it got messed up, I had to delete all of the associated files in Library to get it working properly.
I realize that this thread is about Quicksilver, but I thought I should also plug LaunchBar, which I started using when QS started behaving a bit strangely and crashing a lot. LB is super-stable, well-supported and pretty (not as pretty as QS, but you can't have everything). If you're looking for a low-maintenance, flexible Spotlight replacement and menubar launcher, check it out. And no, I don't work for indev.
i don't think launchbar and quicksilver do the same thing. I can't imagine for an itunes or bbedit plugin for an application launcher.
I have also invested heavily in software which uses spotlight technology in leopard. Metatagging is extremely powerful when search applications are scriptable.
I can appreciate your attraction to simplicity but your are preaching to a bunch of power users :)

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