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task linking Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
anyone know why sometime with linked tasks when you adjust the task the linked task doesn't move with it but instead creates a violation. but other times it does do it.

another instance is when one writes the various tasks and i begin to link prerequisites to that task and again, the autmatic shift sometimes works...sometimes it a glitch or do i have a setting incorrect.

thank you for the help. - JVee
Hard to say definitively what is happening without seeing an example, but one common case that will get a violation when you move the prerequisite is if you have dragged the following action into a specific spot on the Gantt chart instead of letting OmniPlan decide where it should go, perhaps because you haven't set up all the dependencies, constraints, etc. This establishes the scheduling method for that task to be "On specified date" instead of "As early as constraints allow" and thus when you move the prerequisite back, you cause a violation. You can fix the violation by clicking on the Reset button next to the scheduling method in the Task: Information inspector, and then setting up the dependencies/constraints correctly.

You may need to click on the Level button now and then when building your plan to get everything spread out to account for dependencies and so on.
yes, i figured out that is the case, once i have touched the dependent or prerequisite task, it will no longer carry it if i change something above it. hmm. what do you suggest if schedules need to be flexible and adjustments happen. i just have to correct it each time i guess is the only alternative. thanks for the insight though.
The idea is that you don't want to be setting any more dates than absolutely necessary, because doing so restricts OmniPlan's flexibility to schedule tasks. In my opinion, you should only set dates on things over which you have no control, and if OmniPlan then schedules tasks at times which don't make sense, it is because you haven't properly described the interdependencies of the plan. I tend to use a milestone as a marker for such items, and then establish a dependency to that milestone rather than setting dates on tasks.

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