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Perspectives Cycle on Launch Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Just recently OF on my Mac has started cycling through 3 or 4 perspectives while it's launching. It eventually lands on the perspective I use most often and is generally what's selected when I quit.

Everything else seems fine. Should I be worried?
Are you sure you don't have 3 or 4 windows? If your database is large enough, it will take a few seconds to draw each new window as it launches, and if they are stacked on top of each other, it might well look like it is cycling through perspectives...
Bingo! That was it. Not sure why it happened after all this time, but they were sized identically and piled on top of each other. Thanks.
I think if you were to option-click the green button on one of OmniFocus' windows, you would end up with your windows in such a state. It isn't too difficult to end up with multiple OmniFocus windows, either. Double-clicking on a row handle will create a window, or using the dock or menu bar overdue count icons is another way, or a perspective set to always open in a new window, or holding down option while opening a perspective that is set to always open in the existing window, and so forth.

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