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I Really Messed Things Up [Support Ninjas helped fix things, tho. :-)] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Greetings to All!

I was just getting the hang of Omni Focus for Mac and iPhone when I bit the Twinkie. I accidentally deleted a project from my iPhone and threw things out of sync with my i7 MBP runnnig OS 10.6.7. (I'm using the most recent version of OmniFocus.) I tried to sync again to restore the large project, but to no avail. The project was permently gone from my iPhone. Then, I synced and the computer's version lacked the same large project which had been wiped from the iPhone.

I tried to revert to one of the backup files. There was my project in glorius detail, and I still have backup files with the project in it. But i can't get it to sync over to my iPhone or to Mobile Me. Indeed, the copy now on Mobile Me is blank.

I don't seem to know what i'm doing here and everything I try makes things works. I'm going to use OmniOutliner and drag around hardcopy for this one.

Any guidance would be appreicated.

Call up the support ninjas and they'll walk you through the process of recovering your work. 1-800-315-OMNI or +1-206-523-4152.

For future reference, if you accidentally delete some project or a bunch of actions and don't realize it until you've synced your change to all of the devices, just go to the Mac, launch OmniFocus, then switch to the Finder and double-click on one of the recent OmniFocus backup files that should still have the project. This will open up the backup file in a separate window, and you can just drag and drop the missing material back into your production database. Close the backup database window after doing so, just to make sure you don't get confused about which window is the active database and check off some tasks in the backup. When you sync, the restored material should propagate to your other device(s) much as if you'd typed it all in again.
The support Ninja walked me through it in less than five minutes. I was thrashing all around the solution last night but I never performed the correct things in the correct order. Now I"m very happy.



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