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launch with tab drawer open Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Often, I like to open links in new tabs by dragging the link into the tab drawer. Since tabs were introduced, I've wanted to be able to make OmniWeb launch with the tab drawer open but I've yet to figure out if it's in fact possible. I've scanned the preferences file but didn't recognize a variable to contain this flag. In theory, a checkbox in the tabs preferences could set such a variable which gets checked in awakeFromNib.
One option might be just to hit command+option+t after OW launches and you have a new window open.
You could also use a workspace snapshot to acomplish this to a certain extent.

1.) Close all browser windows except for one with your startup page.
2.) Position it in the desired spot on your desktop.
3.) Open the tab drawer.
4.) Now select "Take Snapshot" from the Workspace menu.

You'll have a window open with the tab drawer on launch now. New windows will still open up with the tab drawer closed though.

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