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Shortcut for Show/hide Guides Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I tried to use the method (System Preferences / Keyboard & Mouse / Keyboard Shortcuts) to set up a keyboard shortcut for show/hide Guides, but it doesn't work.

could you help me ?
Did you use an option key modifier in the shortcut? It seems that option-key shortcuts don't work in OG, prossibly because it captures the option keypress to modify the window toolbar.

Try using another key combination.
Bpixel, you're also welcome to give us a call and get help over the phone, if it's convenient. This kind of issue is generally easier to troubleshoot over the phone than via forum. Our number's 800.315.6664.

You can also send our support ninjas email and get help that way. Our top priority is to try and answer all our support email by the end of the next business day; once we're caught up with that, we hit the forums next.

There was a a national holiday last week, so catching up with email that came in over the long weekend has meant that we haven't been able to spend as much time on the forums this week...

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