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How to use QuickSilver ? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I don't understand how to use QuickSilver to send an item to OmniFocus' Inbox.
If someone knows how to do it, can you tell me please ?


(I've understood that I must use the "send to Omnifocus " action but where or how type my item's text ? in Quicksilver ? Somewhere else?)

Thanks 2
I've the answer (from Blacktree...)
In fact to type text on Quicksilver I begin to type "
After I can enter my task and choose the "send to OmniFocus" action
Works very well (launch OmniFocus if closed)

Good !
That is so freakin' cool! Thank you. I love it. Extremely fast and efficient.
Based on the AppleScript "Send to OmniFocus" in the OmniFocus package, it looks like the QuickSilver syntax should be:


Furthermore it looks like project code and context can be partial matches and if there is no match, then OmniFocus will create a new project or context.

However, when I try this, it doesn't work; the stuff after > and @ become part of the task name. Has anyone else had better luck?
Originally Posted by brianogilvie
Based on the AppleScript "Send to OmniFocus" in the OmniFocus package, it looks like the QuickSilver syntax should be:


Furthermore it looks like project code and context can be partial matches and if there is no match, then OmniFocus will create a new project or context.

However, when I try this, it doesn't work; the stuff after > and @ become part of the task name. Has anyone else had better luck?

Feel free to report this issue using the "Send Feedback" tool and we'll look into it.

At some point I had the matching working, but then some of the applescript defs changed, so I probably need to go back and fiddle with it again.
Been working on this all day. I modded the applescript heavily, it was easier for me than debugging, and got the script to work... sorta... there are some interesting applescript 'bugs' I found.

It appears that there isn't applescript support for tasks outside of the inbox at this point? Omni will need to confirm this.

When I look at the applescript dictionary for tasks I see the following error:
So I cannot browse through the tasks in the OmniFocus Application Object.

When I look at the project object, the only task that is visible is the next task.

I tried to create a task in the Inbox and then move it using this command:
"move myNewTask to ThisProject"

and got this error

"OmniFocus got an error: Replacement not supported currently, please log a feature request if you need this."

I can however, create a new task in the inbox, assigned to a project. The task shows up in the inbox & in the project. In my mind, this is a bug. If a task is assigned to a project, it shouldn't appear in the Inbox.

If you want to create a task with a project in the inbox, you then have to move the task by dragging it from the inbox to the project. The task already shows up in the project, but you move it to the project to get it out of the inbox.

And here is where it gets really strange...
If you create an item in the inbox, with a project, and a context, the item will show up in the inbox, the project but not in the context. Once you move it out of the inbox, then it will show up in the context.

I've included the Applescript with the post. If you want to try it out, I would open up the Quicksilver Applescript called Send To OmniFocus found in your
user->library->application support->Quicksilver->Actions

Save it to your desktop for safe keeping, then copy paste my modified applescript into the Send To OmniFocus and try it out.

I'm sure OmniFocus will come out with a better script, mine should work for you in the meantime.

Here is the formate for creating a new task:
task name>project name@context name
newline for a note (hit option enter in Quicksilver)

If the project exists, the task will go into the project.
If the context exists, the task will have that context.
Otherwise a new project/context will be created.

one bug, the script doesn't filter out if you type in my new task>my new project>my new context.
It will create a project called
my new project>my new context.
Attached Files
File Type: zip My Send to (9.1 KB, 1184 views)
Posted wrong version of Applescript... not really wrong, but the one in this post has a couple updates for a note bug & for an error message. Use this one. Sorry for the confusion:
Attached Files
File Type: zip My Send to (9.7 KB, 1077 views)
I'd like to post a screencast of what I'm speaking of. Can I post it to YouTube and link to it? I don't want to post the video to YouTube if you don't want it to be available to everyone... at the same time, it may spark some interest? Even if it is a video of bugs?

Let me know if it's okay to post, otherwise I won't.

I'm not Omni, of course, but Ethan's screencasts are publicly available. You're not distributing the alpha build, just posting a screencast. I would think that wouldn't be a problem, but.. I should probably just let Omni respond. =)
Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
I'd like to post a screencast of what I'm speaking of. Can I post it to YouTube and link to it? I don't want to post the video to YouTube if you don't want it to be available to everyone... at the same time, it may spark some interest? Even if it is a video of bugs?
In general I don't mind people posting about OmniFocus as long as it's clear to their audience that the application is still very much a work in progress and not a final product.

But if you're talking about a video of bugs, I'd rather you just mail it to us (using Send Feedback) rather than posting it to the world. The audience who needs to understand the bugs is Omni, not the rest of the world; and as the bugs get fixed, the video becomes irrelevant.

Ethan's videos, by contrast, explain things that are relevant to everyone and will continue to be relevant even as the application changes.

Does that make sense?

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