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Quick entry and context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am a new user of the OmniFocus product. The iPhone version is the only one I have. I didn't invest in the Mac version because I would like the sync issue to be resolved without having to have a mobileme account.

Anyway, my question was regarding the quick entry and context. When I do a quick entry and assign it to a context, it doesn't appear under context until it is assigned to a project. Also, If I setup a flag or due date, my entry stays in the inbox and it doesn't appear anywhere in the smart groups, such as flagged items, or due soon, until the entry is assigned to a project.

So, is this suppose to work this way? do I need to assign each task to a project before it appear in my smart groups? Thanks!
I'm having the same problem. Very frustrating. You shouldn't have to assign a project to everything.
The 1.0.1 update fixes this problem: items will now move out of the inbox as soon as you assign them to either a project or a context; they no longer require a project.
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
The 1.0.1 update fixes this problem: items will now move out of the inbox as soon as you assign them to either a project or a context; they no longer require a project.
That's great! I am assigning all one-off tasks to a project called "Misc" now. Should I just leave all my one-off tasks in unassigned projects? Otherwise I would request that new inbox items could be assigned to a default project. (I would love this for the desktop app as well by the way).

Yes, when they get moved out of the Inbox they'll automatically go into your default list. (If you don't have one assigned in Data Preferences on the desktop side, it will create one called "Miscellaneous".)
Originally Posted by Ken Case View Post
The 1.0.1 update fixes this problem: items will now move out of the inbox as soon as you assign them to either a project or a context; they no longer require a project.
I haven't gotten the update yet. I'm assuming it will automatically be pushed to us all via iTunes?
Apple has an approval process before it can go out. The release is in the queue, but we don't know how long it will take.

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