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After Event in iCal create task in OF Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I have a calender called 'University' as an iCloud calender. There i have entered
all my classes for the semester.

After the end of every class it would be great to have a task in OF to rework the content of the lessons before next weeks class.

For Example: when the math class on Thursday is finished (iCal), one task in OF should be created called 'math class' (title of the event) with the context 'University' and due date 6 days after the original event.

This should happen after finishing every event in this calendar.
Do you have any suggestions how to make this possible?

I didn't get any feedback in my previous post - so I try it in this part of the forum.

I have a calender called 'University' as an iCloud calender. There i have entered
all my classes for the semester.

After the end of every class it would be great to have a task in OF to rework the content of the lessons before next weeks class.

For Example: when the math class on Thursday is finished (iCal), one task in OF should be created called 'math class' (title of the event) with the context 'University' and due date 6 days after the original event.

This should happen after finishing every event in this calendar.
Do you have any suggestions how to make this possible?

Florian, sorry for the lack of response earlier; we browse the forums as we're able on top of our other duties, but if you need a guaranteed response, emailing our support ninjas is the way to go.

That said, based on the description of what you're trying to do, it seems like a weekly recurring item in OmniFocus would cover this. Create a task with a start date after the end of the previous class and a due date that's before the next one, then set it to repeat every week.

Something more sophisticated might be possible, but you'd need to write some AppleScript to move the information. Once the event that represented the previous class was over, iCal would trigger the script to create the item in OmniFocus...
Thank you for the response Brian!

I will go with the repeating tasks.

While that is probably sufficient for the OP I would welcome if anybody would present a solution for this based on AppleScript. Weekly classes are one thing, non-regular events are another. Having a meeting scheduled in iCal and then getting a task to act on the minutes would be one use. Any ideas, rob?

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