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How to get all perspectives in same window position? (OF 1.7) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I want all my perspectives to open within the same sized window, and in the same screen position (external layout), so that OF is not jumping around on my whenever I change a perspective.

But I have some perspectives that have a different internal layout, such as hiding the sidebar, and I want them to remember that.

How can I get a perspective to remember to hide the sidebar, but to inherit its window size and position from the current window?
I was also experiencing perspectives "jumping around." I moved the perspectives to where I wanted them...then resaved them, and they don't jump around anymore. Same window size/position for all of them.
There was a last minute bug fix introduced that caused this, we'll be rolling out a fix very soon.

(What should happen is that your window retains the same size, unless it needs to get bigger due to having more columns, which only happens when you enabled the "Layout" option for a given perspective. If you have Layout enabled and you open a new window, by holding "opt", then the window should get restored to it's saved position as well.)
OK Thanks Xmas, that will be good.
I had this problem also, but 1.7.1 fixed it.
Wow, OG got this fixed FAST! Within ONE day (for me—since I just heard about update yesterday on TUAW). Amazing.

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