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Keyboard shortcut to scroll through sections list? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a keyboard shortcut to scroll through the sections in the sections list?

For example: I create a document with three top-level sections: Apples, Oranges, and Pears. I click on 'Oranges' to hoist that section. Is there a keyboard shortcut that will let me hoist 'Apples' or 'Pears' without using the mouse to click on those sections?

I ask because in TextWrangler, there's a documents drawer which functions much like the sections list. If I have Apples.txt, Oranges.txt, and Pears.txt all open at the same time in TextWrangler, and I'm editing Oranges.txt, option-command-[ will shift focus to Apples.txt (the previous document in alphabetical order), and option-command-] will shift focus to Pears.txt.

I hope that makes sense -- please let me know if I need to clarify what I'm asking.

I don't know if there are specific key commands to do this, but there is a workaround using Full Keyboard Access:

1. Under the view menu, select Customise Toolbar... and add the Sections button to the left side of the toolbar (if you are going to be doing this very frequently, you probably want to make it the leftmost button).

2. Ensure FKA is on in System Preferences>Keyboard and Mouse.

3. When in OmniOutliner and you want to hoist a particular section, press control-F5 to activate the toolbar buttons, tab to the Sections button (note, you can skip the tabbing if you made it the leftmost button, as it will already be selected). Press space to click the highlighted button and open the menu. Use the up and down arrows to navigate to the section you want to hoist. Press space to select the highlighted section.

You can watch a quick screencast of this here - in the latter half, after moving the section button to the left, I am using the keyboard to access the menu.

Last edited by JKT; 2007-09-15 at 03:14 PM..
That workaround works really well -- thank you for posting it! I never learned some of the useful FKA shift-focus commands, so I'll have to see what else I can think of to do with them.

One minor addition I noticed that helps is: if you have an OO document with top-level sections that mostly start with different letters, like the 'Apples,' 'Oranges,' 'Pears' example I used before, once you've opened the Sections menu, you can type the first letter or two of the section you want to open.

So in this case, control-F5, space, P would highlight 'Pears.'

For a product touting their keyboard control as a selling point, this seems like an oversight, don't you think?

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