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Saving perspectives using sheets in video? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
In the video up on the OF site, Ethan demonstrates saving a perspective by choosing Perspectives > Save Perspectives.

Then a sheet appears.

Click image for larger version

Name:	OF-PerspectivesOnSheets.jpg
Views:	2168
Size:	33.6 KB
ID:	452

Now, it's clear from the menubar that this is an old build. But I don't recall sheets for perspectives, and, I must ask... why were the removed? It seems perfect!
Bump...I've been offline for a couple weeks but I'd like to know the answer to this question too!
The revamped Perspectives Window allows you to access the same functionality, as well as being able to edit it after the initial creation, using the same UI, that the the Sheet did not allow.

We feel this is an improvement, but we're still looking at new ways of improving the functionality.
Thanks! (and a few extra characters to satisfy the minimum length requirement).
Gah, forgot I even posted this. I did find that the more recent builds and the 1.0 GM have the same basic effect (with a bug: the first time you save a perspective, the perspectives window doesn't open by default; I filed this as [OG #255047]).

Sheets are the right way to go, I think, though. Opening another window is unnecessary since I'm not acting on other perspectives. The new features of the current perspectives window (showing what's saved, "also restore..." and "always open..." are easily added to the sheet, and if you want the perspectives window, it's a keystroke away.

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