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Exported PDF Colour Differences Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If I export an OmniGraffle drawing as a PDF and then view it in Preview, the colours are exactly as created. However, if I view the same file in Adobe Reader, the colours are darker and more muted. The same file can be viewed by the two programs side by side on the same Mac to prove the difference. This is true whether the file is read using Adobe Reader on Windows or Mac and is a problem since the PDF files will largely be viewed by Windows users.

I've tried creating a PDF file on the same Mac using other applications such as Microsoft Word and the colours are the same in Word, Preview or Acrobat Reader, which leads me to believe that it's the export from OmniGraffle that is the problem.

How do I get consistent colour between Preview and Adobe Reader in exported OmniGraffle drawings?
OmniGraffle Pro does support using ColorSync profiles. See the Help for ColorSync support.
I tried using ColorSync profiles. It made no difference to the problem :-(
A big +1 on this problem. It's been bothering me for a really long time now.
Here, the PDF (or even jpg and png) export just broke the colors.
They look brighter..

Would be great if it could be solve cause omnigraffle is a super great (my favorite) tool for almost everything. :)
I'm pleased to hear that it's not just me that is suffering this problem then! I have raised it as an issue with the Support Ninjas and they are looking into it through engineering. We tried a few tricks involving Apple's ColorSync Utility but it made no real difference to the problem.

The only other information that I can add is that I have tried opening the resulting PDF export in every other application that I can find capable of reading a PDF file and only Adobe Reader and Safari display the colours incorrectly. PDFs from every other application appear to be rendered correctly by everything.

Let's hope a solution is found soon as it's the only annoyance I have found with OmniGraffle - and I use it a lot these days. It's a problem to me as 99% of my drawings end up being read on PCs through Adobe Reader.

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