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audio and photo attachments to tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
so i'm surprised that i scanned through all the entries in the omnifocus-iphone forum and didn't see mention of this...

i am interested in the attachments to tasks that get created on the iphone via the "take phone" and "record audio" buttons. do they get sync'd to the desktop?

on the desktop, i don't recall ever seeing the corresponding buttons to add annotations. the only thing remotely related that i know of is "attach file...".

presently, i'm definitely not seeing attachments created on the iphone in the desktop version. i am not sure if this might be caused by other problems i am having with sync'ing - it doesn't seem like it, because i can see iphone-created items, just not their attachments.

how is this supposed to work? are there new features coming to the desktop version to bring the two apps more into line? or are audio and photo attachments i create only going to be visible on the iphone and not on the desktop? am i just missing something?
ok - just figured something out: audio attachments created on the iphone appear in the notes field on the desktop as an attached file.

i was not seeing them previously because when i click the little note icon on the task, it would expand to seemingly show the notes field for the selected item, however the icon representing the attached audio file was not visible.

it appears that clicking on the note icon for a task in list view only exposes the first line of the notes field, which i guess makes sense for text notes, but is a bit confusing/misleading when the only contents of the notes field is an audio file attachment because the notes field appears empty, even though it is not. the only way you can actually see and play the audio file is to click inside the notes field to fully expand it.

i suggest that it might be a good idea to change the current behavior so that it is not so confusing. this could be done by eliminating the seemingly gratuitous newline that seems to get added to the notes field when an audio recording is attached and possibly by using a more compact icon for the audio attachment that can be seen in the first line "preview" of the notes field in list view. if this were done, then when the user exposes the summary of the notes field in list view, they could see the icons for attached audio files (and presumably the same goes for photos).

alternatively, the desktop version could separate out attachments from the notes field, as is done on the iphone app.
ok - further explanation of this issue:

i have a task for which i have created an audio recording on the iphone as an attachment.

in list view, if i click on the note symbol for a task (the popup help text says "expand note"), then the note seems to expand however i don't see the audio attachment icon, instead i just see the (blank) first line of text of the note. this is part i find to be confusing or misleading.

if instead, i select the task and type apple-' ("Edit note"), then the note expands fully and i always see the attached audio recordings/photos, as i would expect.
i have tried manually deleting the newline that precedes the audio file icon in the notes field. when i do this, then i can see the audio attachment (icon) as i would expect in both cases - either by clicking the notes icon in list view to show a "preview" of the first line of the note or by using the "edit note" command.

so this suggests that this minor cosmetic issue can be fixed pretty easily by simply making it so the extra newline is not added to the notes field of tasks created on the iphone when adding an audio attachment.

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