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Importing svg Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi all,

I'm using Omnigraffle Pro at work. I've just been given an svg file (Visio) that I need to work on. I've read the help file, it says the OmniGRaffle pro can import it, but it doesn't 'see' the file or have an import option.

Is it possible to import an .svg? Even by some taxing long-winded route (though I don't have access to Visio).

Thank you to anyone who helps me with this query.

Where do you see it advertised that OGP can import that format? I only see mention of export to SVG...
svg is ( as far as I know ) not a visio file format. It's scalable vector graphics, an open file format. Visio files have the vsd extension. Perhaps the svg was exported from visio. If so, better ask for the original .vsd fille. That can be imported in OG (pro).
For the record, OmniGraffle cannot import or open the SVG file format, however it's something we'd like to do for a future release (particularly to help better our Visio support).
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