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Changing Underline Color? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Wanted to see if anyone else has seen this issue, and if there is a fix (beyond creating something from scratch).

You can underline text and the underline will pick up the color of the text (red text that you then underline has a red underline). Great.

BUT if you change the color of the text (BLUE) the underline will remain the first color (RED).

I have tried unapplying the underline to the entire text element and then applying the underline to the text again, but the first color (RED) remains as the underline color even though the text color is different (BLUE).

Am I missing something?

I think it's a bug. It annoys me on a regular basis. I often end up having to recreate the text element in question.
Please do submit these bugs through Omnigraffle directly -- they will get on the list. They are not always picked up from these forums.

I'll submit this myself now, but others should too.
Originally Posted by priceless View Post
Please do submit these bugs through Omnigraffle directly -- they will get on the list. They are not always picked up from these forums.

I'll submit this myself now, but others should too.
Just in case anyone is wondering "uh, how do I do that?" the answer is to use the Help->Send Feedback menu item. And yes, posting to the forum is an unreliable way to reach Omni; there is neither a tracking mechanism to make sure every post is read and given a response nor Omni staffers whose job it is to do so.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
there is neither a tracking mechanism to make sure every post is read and given a response nor Omni staffers whose job it is to do so.
To clarify, we try to respond as much as we're able; we just can't guarantee that we'll be able to do so for every forum post. The tools to track and record support email are much better than doing so here.
Just to follow up on this -- I have submitted a bug report and there is already an open bug on this. The more submissions, the faster it gets resolved, so not wasted effort, I don't think.

-- Morgan
If you go into the font browser, and click the dropdown for underline style, the last option is "color." If you click color, and then select a color from the color-picker, you can change the underline to whatever color you want :-)

Thanks for eerhirsch. I couldn't believe that Omni had slipped up on this one. Thanks.
Yeah, I know I'm just ditto-ing everyone else's's a minor but annoying bug. Thanks also to eehirsch. I tried selected color in the font browser window yesterday, but didn't notice that that color picker had become active. Now I see it's just a matter of then selecting the color....not all bad then!

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