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Omni outliner on Droid Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have just moved to a Droid smartphone, and am looking for suggestions of how to make my Mac programs work on the Android platform. I've figured out ways to deal with Address Book by transferring it to gmail and then uploading. And photos by using third party software, but how to transfer my Outliner information to work on the phone is a question. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I wonder if you ever found a solution to this. I too have many outlines using Outliner and I store them in a DropBox folder so I can access them away from my computer. Of course, my android phone has no idea how to open an oo3 file, though, which is unfortunate. Did you ever find anything to help with this? Short of saving every outline as a pdf so that I can simply view it on the phone, I'm not sure what else to do. I hope you've had more success!
I do not own a Droid device (desperately waiting for the release of OmniOutliner for iPad!), so I might not be able to help you, but you could export your outliner document as an OPML file. This is a standard file format that many other outliners can open. It is now up to you to find out if there is such an app for Droid that can open these files. Of course, this implies that you won't be able to open the original OmniOutliner files, and any changes you've made to the document on your Droid device will have to be re-imported into OmniOutliner, but I guess it's better than nothing.

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