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Linking to things Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
A lot of my work consists of reviewing things and then making a decision.

The kinds of things that I review:

* Emails
* Electronic Documents
* Web documents (URLs)

So, a lot of tasks say: Review xxx then decide yyy. To me, the act of linking to those things and being able to recall them from my GTD is essential. OOP does a good job, but not everything can be linkable, for example Entourage Emails.

Once reviewed, I want to record my decision. Where would that go? In KGTD I have an extra column, where I can write those things.

I also have physical documents, brochures, whitepapers... It'd be lovely if I could tie them to my GTD. An idea may be to print out a cover page from a task. It outlines the task and has a "barcode". I print it and staple it. Once I've read the thing, I scan the barcode using my iSight webcam and it opens OmniFocus where I can check the task or update it with "my decision".
I have to agree. In my job, I need the following links:

Address contacts to emails
Address contacts to documents, files, etc.
To-dos to emails
To-dos to address contacts
To-dos to documents, files, etc
Events to emails
Events to Address contacts,
Events to documents, files, etc.

This type of thing is so important. I would love a way to link notes taken in Omni-outliner or a notes feature in OmniFocus that would be linked to Address contacts, todos, events, etc.

Thanks and can't wait!

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