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Limiting Browse Tool / Actions in Presentation Mode? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sorry for what I assume is a noob question:
How (or can I) turn off any/all actions in Presentation Mode except for those I specifically set?

Ex: When in Presentation Mode, a mouse click on an object which has an Action specified will execute that action.
However, a mouse click anywhere else on the page (or on any other object) brings the presentation to the next page.

Can I prevent OmniGraffle from doing anything unless the mouse clicks an object that has an action?

BTW: My work-around has been to export the file as HTML and run the presentation through a browser.
Did you ever figure this out or get an answer somewhere? I am dying with the same problem! Any info would help. Thanks.
One workaround:

Put a screen-filling neutral (e.g., white) borderless rectangle in the back of in a shared layer. Give that shape a null action. Apparently "Do Nothing" doesn't count as one, but a null script does:
   tell self
   end tell
You'll want to turn off highlighting in the presentation if you do this.

Last edited by john.gersh; 2011-11-29 at 05:16 AM..
This is a great little tip, but it doesn't solve the problem for a more complicated interface comp with dozens of intractable objects and numerous layer hiding/showing behaviors.

We really need a presentation option to not change canvases on blank taps.

Id like to add a request to disable the canvas drawer as well. These two would make the OGP Presentation mode the best interactive wire framing interface available.

Next step would be Animations. =)

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