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New user here. Sorry if this has been addressed already--my quick search found nothing.

I love the apple mail integration. I'm wondering, when I set up the rules inside omnifocus to make it look for messages started with "--" it conveniently clips that prefix off of the created task.

I'm integrating this feature with reQall and have set the triggering prefix to "Added: " since that is what reQall prefixes its messages with.

Here's my question: how can I edit the omnifocus applescript to clip off that prefix too? I'm no apple script expert, but if someone can point me in the right direction I'm sure I can figure it out.
The script you'll want to clone/edit is stored inside OmniFocus' application bundle. To get at it, you'll want to right click on OmniFocus, select "Show Package Contents" and then navigate to this location:

You'll probably want to open the "Mail-Leopard" applescript, then save a copy out to your desktop. (Customize a copy, not the original, in other words.)

I think the best way to do this would be to change the way the "on clipping" script handles the MyName parameter.

Just before the "set name to MyName" line, I believe you'll want to insert some script that looks for the appropriate characters at the start of the subject and then trims them out. A google search on "Applescript text manipulation" should return some useful links.

Once you have the customized applescript, store it someplace other than the desktop. At that point, you can duplicate the existing OmniFocus rule, then change the "Run Applescript" line to point at your custom script instead of the one in OmniFocus' app bundle.

Hope this helps!

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